I’ve played about six hours of Anthem, a game where players fly around in mechanical suits blowing stuff up in…
Sail a small boat around in the pond
I’ve played about six hours of Anthem, a game where players fly around in mechanical suits blowing stuff up in…
Mercy, bless her eternally-giving heart, has seen better days. Recent updates have made her less popular, and some…
UK gaming magazines GamesTM and GameMaster will publish their final issues next month, owner Future Publishing…
In between the big, satisfying skirmishes in the new God of War, players can put gruff protagonist Kratos and his…
There’ve been lots of difficult games in my life. Shining in the Darkness was one of the hardest in my 16-bit era…
The back page of Alex Hall’s economics textbook was filled with scribbles. Diagrams, notes, story beats, a web that…
I have never beaten Dark Souls 3 and, also, I have never had a glorious father-son fishing moment. Part of why I…
It’s Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer, which means it’s also time for the League summer season to…
It’s a quieter weekend in the world of pro gaming compared to earlier in the month, but there’s still plenty going…
Call of Duty returns in a big way this week with the World League Open for Infinite Warfare in Dallas.