CultureNewsCultureNewsPersona 3 Fans Upset As Remake Cuts Female ProtagonistPersona 3 Reload won’t include FES, Portable content or ‘FeMC’ as a playable characterByIsaiah ColbertPublishedJune 12, 2023
CultureSummer Game Fest 2023CultureSummer Game Fest 2023Everything At Summer Game Fest 2023's Main ShowcaseThis year's event saw everything from a new Fortnite season to Nick Cage in a horror gameByJohn WalkerPublishedJune 8, 2023
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureThe Brilliant Scholar Who’s Challenging Racism In Game DesignDr. Kishonna Gray’s studies of race and gender in gaming have made her a sought-after consultant in the industryByCarolyn PetitPublishedJune 2, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsMortal Kombat Movie Sequel May Have Found Its Johnny CageThe movie sequel based on the smash-hit video games is set to start shooting in JuneByKenneth ShepardPublishedMay 5, 2023
The BestsThe BestsThe 9 Worst Reasons We Haven’t Finished A GameFrom embarrassment to heartbreak to pure spite, there are many silly reasons to not roll the creditsByKenneth ShepardPublishedApril 27, 2023
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsCrime Boss: Rockay City Is So Bad The Culture Has Rejected It EntirelyThere is a dark, looming void in the space where a video game was supposed to beByLuke PlunkettPublishedApril 26, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsHarry Potter Quidditch Game Announced, Explains Hogwarts Legacy AbsenceWB Games has opened up ‘limited playtest signups’ for Harry Potter: Quidditch ChampionsByAlyssa MercanteUpdatedApril 18, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsDiablo IV Will Release Story Updates Every Three MonthsBlizzard’s dungeon crawler is meant to keep you in hell for as long as possibleBySisi JiangPublishedApril 12, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsThe Best Version Of Xbox’s Next Big Exclusive Won’t Arrive At LaunchRedfall, Arkane’s vampire shooter, will only be 30fps to start following controversial IGN footageByEthan GachPublishedApril 12, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsWarzone 2 Frustration Is Fueling Some Wild Cheating ConspiraciesSome CoD fans think cheaters are being paid bounties to keep players off of Warzone 1ByClaire JacksonPublishedMarch 30, 2023