Since practically the dawn of consumer television, Saturday mornings have meant sitting down in front of the TV with…
Since practically the dawn of consumer television, Saturday mornings have meant sitting down in front of the TV with…
I played all the way through Kingdom Hearts III. I played it extremely underleveled. I did this because I love a…
Stefan was about five years old when he first played a Mario game. It was the classic Super Mario Land on an old…
Tim Rogers and I have had Kingdom Hearts 3 for only one full day, and we played as much as we could. Here’s what we…
I was being chased. I couldn’t get away. I ran into a nearby bush and yet I wasn’t safe. I was almost dead. I yelled…
Nintendo’s removal of the “taunt” option in Smash Ultimate online play has sparked an outbreak of one of gaming’s…
For 13 years, I’ve been listing the games I’ve played each year. This used to be a means for me to log how many…
In 2018, I enjoyed playing some excellent games from, uh, 2017. It’s too bad that 2017 Maddy didn’t play Assassin’s…
At the close of every year, Kotaku highlights not just video games but gamers—people who did noteworthy or…
2018’s games have blindsided me in many different ways, but one thing remains true: video games are straight up…