The most exciting new addition to this week's Japanese game sales chart is the appearance of Fallout: New Vegas.…
The most exciting new addition to this week's Japanese game sales chart is the appearance of Fallout: New Vegas.…
This fall marks the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. What better what to say "congrats" than with a fan-made…
In recent years, top people at Nintendo have vowed, despite scorn and eye-rolls, to make games that keep people…
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the all-star fighting game, is no longer the most-loved Wii game. Three years since we…
You don't want the truth because deep down, you want me on those deals, you need me on those deals. We use words…
Fall is supposed to be the best time of the video game year, the entree and the dessert after the first nine month's…
Next month will be historic. This month is merely nearly historic. Smash Bros. clings to the top spot as America's…
People always ask me what I do. I guess I look like the kind of guy who you'd be curious what I do. I'm pretty sure…
Monster Hunter is on course to beat Smash Bros. while, lower Rock Band 2 continues to tangle with... Run Factory…