2017 has been a wild ride for me personally, but it was also a year that reminded me why I love games so much. From…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sunny Place 2
Battle against chaotic bullet hell bosses with online strangers (or friends!) Customize your outfit or make and upload a boss for others to enjoy!
2017 has been a wild ride for me personally, but it was also a year that reminded me why I love games so much. From…
The Nintendo Switch is a fascinating new game console built around a novel and well-executed central idea. It also…
Okay. I’m okay. The 2016 Emotional Games Awards has opened up submissions for games that evoke strong emotional rea…
“Indie” might be an increasingly nebulous term these days, but the festival celebrating it was home to some damn…
Undertale is an RPG where you can talk your way out of every battle. It’s amazing. And yet, that might be the least…
Superheroes fight each other all the time. Usually, they get over it and pound the real bad guys into the ground.…
If you play a game long enough, you start to be able to predict it. Thirty hours in, The Witcher 3’s still got me…
Kikopa Games has just released a game called Minkomora. It’s an exploratory game, a soft floaty little thing - but…
Yesterday, we asked you to share your worst PC gaming stories. You delivered.