All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sunny Place 2
Battle against chaotic bullet hell bosses with online strangers (or friends!) Customize your outfit or make and upload a boss for others to enjoy!
I spent the weekend at BlizzCon, aka Overwatch-And-Some-Other-Stuff Con, aka Metzcon 2014. I played a demo of the…
A common line of thinking among modern video game fans goes something like this: Games have gotten dumber. Simpler.…
Over the weekend, the Avengers assembled in Taiwan! Well... sort of. This past weekend in Taipei, thousands of…
"How can I best describe Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes?" I asked myself. "Ah, yes. I'll describe it as a small…
Programmers don't generally have reels, but we do have blogs. I've been explaining the rendering work I did on BioSho…
If you thought those mass BASE jumps in Battlefield 4 were cool, hum a few bars of the Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod…
The things that stick out to me about Grand Theft Auto V are not the major things I was supposed to focus on when I…
I want to be an amazing shoot-em up player, effortlessly weaving between endless streams of multicolored bullets,…