An unreleased NES version of the 1987 Arcade game Street Fighter.
Capcom once filed suit in an attempt to get Fighter’s History pulled from arcades. And today, you can play it on…
On the evening of December 30, a group of fighting game veterans gathered together in New York City for Battle of…
The future of Dragon Ball FighterZ competition is in flux. Over the last few months, several prominent fighting game…
It’s fun enough to play regular old timed or stock matches in Smash, but players have also been making their own…
It is now time for Kotaku Splitscreen’s Game of the Year discussions. Except we don’t really want to pick a Game of…
Ryota “Kazunoko” Inoue took first place in four separate games while visiting CouchWarriors CrossUp in Australia…
Since Smash Ultimate’s launch, a debate has been brewing among fans new and old: Is the fighter-unlocking system in S…
Whether you want to play your classic games on the Switch, the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, a half-sized wooden…
Capcom Cup wrapped up a year of Street Fighter V over the weekend with an explosive grand finals match between…
The best Street Fighter V players in the world will face off in Las Vegas this weekend for the 2018 Capcom Cup, and…