CultureNewsCultureNewsAll That Stranger Things Stuff In Dead By Daylight Is About To VanishDead by Daylight’s Stranger Things DLC will be discounted before going away for goodByIan WalkerPublishedAugust 16, 2021
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryEx-Far Cry Dev's New Game Studio Is 4.7 Percent Women, Ready For MoreJourney To The Savage Planet's maker Raccoon Logic is getting slammed over bad takes on social mediaByEthan GachPublishedAugust 12, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsFFXIV Player Won’t Stop Until He’s Eaten Nearly 140K EggsLast year RubberNinja ate 999 eggs; now he’s eating the restByMike FaheyPublishedJuly 21, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsAmerican Troops Are Pulling Out Of Afghanistan, Leaving Pokémon Behind“I’m sure somewhere in Afghanistan, some kid is bragging about how he took control of an American Pokémon gym"ByLuke PlunkettPublishedJuly 4, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsDead By Daylight Just Hit Over 105k Concurrent Players On SteamThe horror game features characters from Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Stranger ThingsByZack ZwiezenPublishedJuly 3, 2021
CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsOkay, Hear Me Out: No Man's Sky BananaHello Games' galactic wonderland has its own DuchampByEthan GachPublishedJuly 2, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsRIP Netflix On Nintendo ConsolesWith no news of a Netflix app for Switch, there will be no Stranger Things on Nintendo consolesByZack ZwiezenPublishedJuly 2, 2021
CultureTwitchCultureTwitchTwitch Gives Trans, Black, And Disabled Streamers Tags, But Not ProtectionLong-awaited tags on the Amazon-owned platform have allowed streamers to find community, but also harassersByNathan GraysonPublishedJuly 2, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsFinal Fantasy 'Pixel Remasters' Cost A Bunch And Have Tiny, Tiny TextFinal Fantasy I-VI remasters have everybody talking--but not in a good wayByNathan GraysonPublishedJune 30, 2021
CultureE3CultureE3Which E3 Character Is The Most Cunning Linguist?Batman shamefully abstains, but what about Mario, Samus, and the E3 gang?ByAsh ParrishPublishedJune 16, 2021