Activision has released the entire track listing for their upcoming upgrade to the Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar…
A personal exploration of the mind, soul and music of Sting in a point-and-click format. Includes hours of new music and exclusive interviews.
Activision has released the entire track listing for their upcoming upgrade to the Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar…
One more Guitar Hero press release, one more rumor confirmed. Ted Nugent is lending his voice and likeness to…
Mike and Mike are hip-deep in Games Convention 2008 coverage as we speak, tackling press conferences and getting…
Console wars are so last season. Now we've got setlist wars for music games. When Rock Band 2's formidable list was…
E3's right around the corner, so it's time for publishers to man up. Puff out their chests, maybe grunt a little,…
To: Ash
From: Crecente
Re: Whatcha Listening To? Like, Right Now?
Arc System Works' latest fantasy fighting game is coming to the Xbox 360 this Fall courtesy of Aksys Games, the…
"That's the first time we've been able to say that," Bach, chief of Microsoft's entertainment and devices division,…
The Florida Bar asked for an "enhanced disbarment" in the disciplinary hearing of Jack Thompson, held earlier this…