Yesterday’s update for No Man’s Sky was huge. It fixed a myriad of lingering issues; players can now recover old…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Star Atlas
Star Atlas combines state-of-the-art blockchain technology with a metaverse the size of a galaxy where players can explore and earn on their odyssey through the awe-inspiring deepest reaches of outer space.
Yesterday’s update for No Man’s Sky was huge. It fixed a myriad of lingering issues; players can now recover old…
“This is the world of the downloaders,” says one of the characters early on in Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2,…
E3, a show in which the future of gaming pretends to be in the present, is in the past. Those demos that may or may…
Starlink: Battle For Atlas isn’t a Star Fox game. Nintendo’s furry pilot and his famous Arwing fighter are in the…
Nintendo’s E3 2018 booth is mostly full of increasingly-sweaty attendees playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but…
It’s the third day of E3 press conferences, and Ubisoft just took their turn. The Parisian publisher showed a bunch…
Fox McCloud will appear in Ubisoft’s toy-based space flight action-adventure game Starlink: Battle For Atlas, the…
Haven’t played No Man’s Sky in a while but interested in joining the Galactic Hub, the community-run civilization…
No Man’s Sky’s vast universe was part of its initial appeal. You would go from planet to planet, completely alone,…
One of the first things you should know about Prey is that it’s really tough. If you’re anything like me, you may…