Most years, I find whittling a best-of list down to just 10 entries a tortuous process. Not so in 2017, because in…
A fast-paced minion-based MMORTS.
Most years, I find whittling a best-of list down to just 10 entries a tortuous process. Not so in 2017, because in…
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Injustice 2! Final Fantasy XV’s Noctis in Tekken 7! Fighting games have a history of…
Launched today in Europe and North America, Master X Master (MXM) is an free-to-play PC action MOBA featuring WASD…
Flowers are in bloom. The temperature is warming up. It’s perfect weather to go outside. But you know what? Let’s…
Parappa the Rapper was one of the defining titles of the original PlayStation, not to mention one of the games that…
Kirby is a controversial character, especially among competitive Super Smash Brothers players.
As if killing off City of Heroes back in 2012 wasn’t bad enough, now NCsoft takes one of the dead superhero MMO’s…
On Wednesday, Super Smash Bros. 4 legend Gonzalo Barrios (“ZeRo”) declared that Bayonetta is the best character in…
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it…
Not only is Quake alive and well in 2017, its modding scene is making a comeback.