On Steam, “asset flip” refers to a game that’s haphazardly assembled from pre-purchased environments, objects, and…
On Steam, “asset flip” refers to a game that’s haphazardly assembled from pre-purchased environments, objects, and…
In SoulCalibur 6, Ivy Valentine will be as she always was: wrapped in stringy cloth, balloon-breasted, mostly naked.…
The core innovation of Super Mario Odyssey is Mario’s companion, Cappy. Cappy is a hat that can magically possess…
One of E3's highlights so far is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, the next game by From Software, makers of Bloodborne and …
Super Smash Bros. has traditionally cast a wide net across a divided audience who demand contradictory things from…
The upcoming Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Switch will be called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and, miraculously,…
Yes, it may be E3 weekend, but there are still some video game competitions going down. Esports rests for no press…
Hello all you fiery sex meerkats of the Twitterhord, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column…
Lock a crowd of Super Smash Bros. fans in a room and make them agree on what they want in the series’ next game and…
Grade schoolers across Japan carry leather backpacks called “randoseru” (ランドセル). Traditionally, kids have carried…