Recently released for Xbox One and Windows PC, Quantum Break combines a video game and a live-action television…
Today’s big Internet controversy involves butts, as these things so often do. An Overwatch player complained about…
Dogmeat is quite a companion—almost like a real dog when he’s not doing egregiously silly/suicidal things. One Fallou…
People don’t just like Undertale; they love it. This game is personal for them. It’s personal for me, too.
Today on Highlight Reel we have lucky shots, great goal defenses, intense Mad Max shotguns, silly walks, and much…
The Witcher 3 has blood and nudity by the boatload, but that stuff doesn’t fly in some countries. The result? A bit…
On today’s Highlight Reel we have silly walks, knife streaks, home run beheadings, bacon and much more!