Today on Highlight Reel we have lucky shots, great goal defenses, intense Mad Max shotguns, silly walks, and much more!
Watch the video above, then link any of your favorite highlights in the comments, and be sure to check out, like and subscribe the original videos via the links below.
- GOW:UE - What goes up must come down - trailerpark ape
- GOW:UE - 4 Shot - JaseKS
- The Witcher 3 - Geralt is a jedi and a showoff - Gabriel Manari
- Rocket League - MOST INSANE SAVE IN ROCKET LEAGUE?! - Migz Does Gaming
- Rocket League - Only if I could save money this much...Pizzarous
- Bloodborne - direct submission - BINFANTASY
- Bloodborne - Bone Dog Cannon Epic - dropkickkennedy
- MGSV - Directed by Hideo “Michael Bay” - Kojima - NinjaCaboose11X
- MGSV - Silly Run (Breaking The Animation Code) - turk645
- MGO - Be free little birds - Cyano
- Uncharted: NDC - Jumping dead guy - The Archaeology of Tomb Raider
- Uncharted: NDC - Nathan Drake Really Doesn’t Want To Fight Charlie - jb summers94
- Battlefield 4 - 3v3nd1m
- Battlefront Beta - EPIC WALKER SAVE BY A LONE STORMTROOPER - DazPlayingGames
- Battlefront Beta - Wait for it... - Jam Time
- GTA V - Bryce won’t get inside the truck - (direct submission) ShouldaDidBetta
Highlight Reel is Kotaku’s regular roundup of great plays, stunts, records and other great moments from around the gaming world. If you see or record an amazing featwhile playing a game or watching a stream, let us know at