The Fear Continues! Hold your breath! Be valiant!
Christmas is a super time for catching up on that mountain of unplayed Steam-sale/impulse purchase games. At least,…
Halloween has come and gone once more, leaving in its wake scary sugar crashes, horrific hangovers and countless…
Before The Evil Within came out, I knew that I had to steel myself to be scared by it. But I'd also been nagged…
Shinji Mikami of Resident Evil fame and the upcoming The Evil Within. Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear fame and the…
You know the ever-looming embodiment of tiny evil that scary movies trot out for cheap scares? Lucius II will let…
One day in March 2010, news began to surface that police in South Korea had arrested a couple for the death of their…
After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've…
Toddler-horror game Among the Sleep is coming to the PlayStation 4 — with virtual reality support. As if playing a small child exploring a dark house in search of his missing mother isn't scary enough, developer Krillbite says the game will be among the first to take advantage of Sony's Project Morpheus VR technology.… Read more