We all have our personal gaming quirks. I, for example, have a habit of leaping into any new game as a thief, rogue,…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Running Rogue
Running Rogue is a fast-paced first-person roguelike action. Parkour, cool magic gloves and tons of undead for you to smash their skulls with a powerful blow!
We all have our personal gaming quirks. I, for example, have a habit of leaping into any new game as a thief, rogue,…
World of Warcraft and I never did really get along. Since its launch in 2004, I've lost track of the number of…
Last month I shared what I learned during the first Guild Wars 2 press beta weekend. Now the student becomes the…
This morning I shared with you the creation of Susan, my first female Pandaren Monk in the World of Warcraft:…
Of all ironies, it's Electronic Arts now asking a judge to rule that some video game depictions of real-life names…
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is my one of my favorite games released in 2011. Here's why I hate it.
As competent and appealing-looking as Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is, I have some reservations about it. At what…
The promise of the sweet and sour Method Man video comes to chewy fruition this spring as Capcom picks up publishing…
After last week's double team of Zelda and Mario, I wasn't sure if I could take the excitement of another big…
Finding time to play normal video games as the father of newborn baby boys is tough enough as it is. I was certain…