I've never been a big fan of sharks in massively-multiplayer online role-playing games, something to do with the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Running Rogue
Running Rogue is a fast-paced first-person roguelike action. Parkour, cool magic gloves and tons of undead for you to smash their skulls with a powerful blow!
I've never been a big fan of sharks in massively-multiplayer online role-playing games, something to do with the…
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…
One of the more inflammatory aspects of 2010's Splinter Cell: Conviction was the fact that it included a number of…
Things are just not going well for me in Azeroth, I'm afraid.
Colleen Lachowicz is running for state senate in Waterville, Maine. She also plays a lot of World of Warcraft.…
"I could barely see my vision was so blurry and grey but I wasn't going down without a fight. I squeezed off as many…
The Secret World officially launches next week, on July 3. It's a somewhat unconventional approach to the MMORPG…
Have you been feeling a distinct lack of Final Fantasy IV in your life lately?
For me, beating a game isn't in reaching the end point. Finishing a game is easy enough. Having the highest stats,…