Fact: Every Animal Crossing: New Horizons resident wants a killer art collection. Last week, Nintendo’s pastel…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Repeat After Me
Repeat After Me, the multiplayer game for single players! Make this work, by utilizing your unique ability of cloning yourself at any time and record any action you can think of. Your clones will forever repeat your every step - or misstep. Can you work with yourself?
Fact: Every Animal Crossing: New Horizons resident wants a killer art collection. Last week, Nintendo’s pastel…
The initial technological threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is Metal Gear RAY. It is an “anti-Metal…
Two weeks have passed since Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out, and almost everyone on the Kotaku staff has…
Last week, during a surprise Nintendo Direct, Square Enix gifted the world with a demo for Bravely Default II. The…
So, you’re practicing social distancing. Great! It’s one of the best ways of slowing the spread of covid-19. The…
Hello, all you frightening skin machines, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only advice column to survive the…
Some developers at Naughty Dog continue to ask themselves a question that has haunted the studio for years: Is it…
Final Fantasy XIII is ten years old today, which means that 2019 is officially running out of ways to remind us of…
I can’t remember the last time I hooted and/or hollered at a video game as much as I did during the first 15 minutes…
How badly do you want to play another Space Channel 5 game? Your personal level of yearning to see Sega’s…