When the credits rolled on SOMA, my head fell into my hands. I felt relief that the harrowing journey was over, and…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Remember, Lights Out
Can you survive using just your memory? Play this short and sweet game to put your memory to the test! Light is your resource, and it will disappear over time. As you collect orbs, your world will go dark. You'll have to remember the level's design to find the escape.
When the credits rolled on SOMA, my head fell into my hands. I felt relief that the harrowing journey was over, and…
When I asked for your worst (but really best) stories about trolls, I didn’t expect so many stories from trolls.…
Metal Gear Solid V is a stellar game, with top-notch stealth action and a malleable world that leads to all sorts of…
After roughly 1,200 comments and dozens of emails, I have assembled the first round of your horrible video game…
Today is both the best and worst day of my life. Today, there is a new Jurassic Park movie.
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen growing fan anger around the hotly anticipated video game The Witcher 3:…
I was going to review Project CARS. Ten minutes into staring at the car setup screen, googling terms that I—even as…