The new Tomb Raider movie is out today, and it certainly was a movie about raiding a tomb. Heather Alexandra and I…
A role-playing game from ShiroKuroCheck.
The new Tomb Raider movie is out today, and it certainly was a movie about raiding a tomb. Heather Alexandra and I…
Annihilation is the latest movie from Alex Garland, director of Ex Machina and screenwriter of Never Let Me Go, 28…
Many teams debuted their fresh new players during kickoff weekend for stage two of the Overwatch League, but the one…
Turn your TV dial to the Yankees’ YES network next Wednesday, and instead of finding a documentary about Mickey…
A lot of mobile games, especially ones that rely on random drops or loot boxes, have special, limited time events.If…
Symphony of the Night took the best elements of the Castlevania series, injected in RPG elements, and created one of…
On Christmas, like many people all around the world, I spent some quality time with my siblings hunched around a…
The best thing about the newest Style Savvy isn’t the cute outfits or the glamorous fantasy. It’s that it makes you…
Video game fashion goes through trends just like fashion in the real world. In 2017, games let us pretend we were at…