QUOTE | “If you want to talk about who is getting bum raps I think Nintendo got some pretty harsh tokes.” - Capy…
tactical shooter Set in a mysterious world with so much chaos, discover the maps play around and enjoy.
QUOTE | “If you want to talk about who is getting bum raps I think Nintendo got some pretty harsh tokes.” - Capy…
QUOTE | “Ultimately, everybody to some degree is sipping from the Kool-Aid because you don’t want to be the one that…
Kotaku tries a lot of games, both good and bad. This list contains all the good ones we played last month.
As I write this, Venom Snake is waiting in a Porta Potty north of Kabul during a sandstorm. I feel a little bad…
I’ve never really liked Metal Gear games, but I am loving Metal Gear Solid V so far. Not for the story, though, or…
Metal Gear Solid V is a stellar game, with top-notch stealth action and a malleable world that leads to all sorts of…
Man, a guy leaves for a month and has to entirely rebuild his weekly release list from scratch. At least they didn’t…
johnskyrim is a modder who likes to bring over stuff from other games, like World of Warcraft and Runescape, to—you guessed it—TES V: Skyrim. This is his latest project: Quel’Delar, Might of the Faithful, a reward from WoW’s “Return of Quel’Delar” quest chain. You can grab the mod here on the Nexus and here on Steam.
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