For eight years, a group of modders have been working on reworking DICE's Battlefield 2 into a much more realistic…
For eight years, a group of modders have been working on reworking DICE's Battlefield 2 into a much more realistic…
The real joy of playing a game on PC is that, thanks to mods, your entire experience can be improved by the work of…
Nothing beats the passion of a true fan writing about something they love. That's what you're about to see here: one…
I told myself I wouldn’t let this unfinished game make me cry. But it did, because it made me put a crying baby on…
Members of the press at E3 2013 and fans at this year's CCP Fanfest wouldn't shut up about how cool the Oculus…
Didn't we just go through this with Final Fantasy VII? Someone wants to make a Metroid fan film. They're raising…
Legendary game programmer and Doom co-creator John Carmack is getting a new "full-time" job. He's going to be…
Dildo bats. Adult video stars. Alien anal probes. Yep, this is the world of Saints Row. That doesn't mean everyone…
Megatokyo, the story of two Americans trapped in a hilariously over-the-top portrayal of Japan, is one of the…
Zack Snyder. Guillermo Del Toro. Gore Verbinski. Michael Bay. Peter Jackson. These are just some of the top…