Violence and tension will always have a place in video gaming, but sometimes you just need to go on a journey of…
Violence and tension will always have a place in video gaming, but sometimes you just need to go on a journey of…
One of my favorite things to do at PAX is wander around in search of games I’ve never heard of. Even though I’m paid…
I played the first Disney Infinity. Hated it. More importantly, my kids hated it too, because it had too many menus,…
In video game years, Mario Kart 8 is already middle-aged yet remains virile. It maintains a healthy population of…
The timer ticks down toward zero. We tear across the Boneyard, one of Halo: Reach’s best multiplayer maps, my good…
Two days ago I was bored with Driveclub. Today each race is exhilarating, often terrifyingly so, and all that's…
"Don't be That VR Guy," I keep thinking. I've spent the last couple of weeks playing Elite: Dangerous, a PC…
Mr. Miyamoto, you recently asked me to ask Kotaku's readers to say which games they'd like you to make for the Wii…
For 30 minutes last week, a man by the name of Dax Ginn, told a room full of reporters how awesome this fall's Batman…
Over the weekend, the Avengers assembled in Taiwan! Well... sort of. This past weekend in Taipei, thousands of…