Look, I didn’t expect to spend the last two nights obsessively playing Nioh either, but here we are.
Look, I didn’t expect to spend the last two nights obsessively playing Nioh either, but here we are.
“If only you could talk to the monsters,” a now-infamous review once said of the original Doom. Here’s a thought,…
You’re four years old, maybe five. Your parents got one of those Nintendos that everyone’s been raving about, along…
Whether you’re excited for more Dishonored or coming to the series for the first time, here are some tips for the…
The Best of NES routinely gets some of the most veteran speedrunners of old NES games together to have them compete…
Most NES games have not aged very well. The Nintendo Entertainment System relied too much on antiquated principles…
Election Day is tomorrow. America might elect a jackass to be their leader, and I am terrified. To cope, I recently…
The leaves are changing colors and the weather is cooling down. You can smell it in the air. It’s fall. And you know…
It was E3 2000 when I nearly lost my shit. The sequel to one of the best games I’d played on the PS1, Metal Gear…
Nioh is an upcoming Playstation 4 exclusive that blends aspects of Dark Souls, Onimusha, and even a little Genji:…