Recently, I learned a well-kept secret about Mine Cart Carnage, the eighth level of Donkey Kong Country for the…
Looks like we might be playing Zelda this holiday after all—just not the one we expected.
For a game about daredevil stunts and high-flying acrobatics, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst plays it remarkably safe.
The most fun I ever had using stealth mechanics was in Ape Escape. Now, thanks to all the conveniently placed tall…
Hardcore Henry is the dream of 1990s video games come to life. It’s a movie that fully realizes some video game…
My favorite thing about Hyper Light Drifter is all the new swear words I invented while playing it.
Spirit sharks and Shiba Inu puppies aside, Team Ninja’s Nioh continues to give off strong Dark Souls vibes, right…
In the distant future of Warframe, you are a space ninja who has woken from a long slumber to find the solar system…
Last night, two of Kotaku’s staffers went to see DC Comics’ biggest superhero icons duke it out on the big screen. Wo…