The future is scary and, according to these 15 dystopias in video games, it’s going to get a lot stranger before…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from My Only Sunshine
An otome game where you play as Sun with the chance to romance 9 possible love interests representing the planets in the Solar System (Yes, even Pluto). All the worlds really do revolve around you!
The future is scary and, according to these 15 dystopias in video games, it’s going to get a lot stranger before…
Welcome to the first annual Toy Time Holiday Gift Spectacular, with special guests Batman, Spike the Dragon, The…
When the Oculus Rift VR headset came out earlier this year, it was promising but incomplete. It had this nice, comfy…
First Final Fantasy XV arrived and now The Last Guardian. Within the span of just one week, two games that spent…
The worlds of gaming and animation have been living in harmony for over 30 years. There have been plenty of shows…
Last week Burger King announced it would be subjecting innocent Americans to deep-fried, Cheetos-crusted macaroni…
You must have heard by now. Word on the grapevine is that God of War is swapping out a loin cloth for hide trousers,…
I know it feels like we’re piling up on Trump a little today, but in a Photoshop contest about a Pokemon that can…
On Monday I ran an endurance gauntlet of VR demos: 10 games, 30 minutes each, one after the other.
I whirled around and plugged two perfectly placed shots into an enemy player. I was finally getting the hang of Vive…