Today on Highlight Reel we have desynchronization, Mario runs, exploding Nazis and much more!
Today on Highlight Reel we have desynchronization, Mario runs, exploding Nazis and much more!
For Mario, 3D used to mean freedom. In 1996, Super Mario 64 broke Nintendo’s mascot from the shackles of having to…
An ill-fated trip through the local Wendy’s drive through yesterday resulted in room temperature fries, the wrong…
Where some RPGs are a little bit fiddly, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is downright daunting. It’s got systems inside of…
I’ve put 81 hours into Divinity: Original Sin 2 over the last 12 days. When I wasn’t playing, I was thinking about…
With Regular Show officially out of production and Adventure Time in the midst of its final season, the head honchos…
It’s time to settle the age old debate about whether Sonic was actually fun or just something we all pretended to…
This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND PIXELS, which comes out on September 5 and tells the…
For a certain type of video game enthusiast, getting to meet Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto is the ultimate dream.…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Liquor Hole jumps, counter-snipes, cool chicken dinners, and much more!