Hey Girls! EA is trying to get your attention! They've got a brand new game coming to the Nintendo Wii, and it's…
Music Inc - a game that allows you to envelop yourself in the world of music production.
Hey Girls! EA is trying to get your attention! They've got a brand new game coming to the Nintendo Wii, and it's…
Earlier this month, Nintendo of America was on the receiving end of a lawsuit from Hollywood production company…
Fakey, manufactured pop stars meet fake, manufactured guitar playing as Guitar Hero teams up with the American…
If there's one thing we know about casual games companies, it's that they love to conduct surveys, don't they? The…
Has it really been 10 years since DanceDanceRevolution two-stepped into the gaming scene? Even more incredulously,…
Nickelodeon is expanding its moves into the areas of virtual worlds and games with the formation of two separate…
We just found out that Marvelous Entertainment's Wii-exclusive"Project O" has a real name, if you haven't heard: Lit…
Have you bought a song or album because of Guitar Hero or Rock Band? Jacobs Media, a radio consulting company did a…
Get ready for difficult-to-pronounce names. Composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen has done a two-disc soundtrack for Age…
Marvellous just rang our doorbell, dropped off a press release that's got my day started off on the right foot.…