A faithful companion. A star in the making. Adoration, rejection, and finally, a triumphant return.
Eat your way around the world in our biggest virtual food app yet! Make tacos & nachos, roll sushi, create your own pasta, build burgers & hot dogs, or fill your plate from over 150 different kinds of pre-made food from 9 countries. More Buffet! brings a world of food to your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, with all the attention to detail & polish you’ve come to expect from Maverick Software, creators of the hit apps Cupcakes!, More Cookies!, More Toast!, and others.
A faithful companion. A star in the making. Adoration, rejection, and finally, a triumphant return.
The ESRB's served up a no-surprise M for Red Dead Redemption but enlightens us as to why - drugs, blood and a whole…
Two weeks ago I simulated the NCAA Tournament on my Xbox 360 and vowed to bet its first round predictions "like a…
That's what they call the day after Christmas in more civilized parts of the world. In my household, we call it…
Well, I've played twenty-five hours of Final Fantasy XIII in the past few days, and the one thing I can say with…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson answers the call of duty in the highly charged Modern Warfare 2, developer Infinity…
The cute-and kinda gross-puzzler that's had iPhone users bursting bugs for sometime now, finally infects the PlayStat…
Just like SingStar has done with great success, Harmonix are now looking at increasing the number of localised…