There are 39 games coming to the Nintendo Switch eShop this week. One of them is called Color Dots Connect. Another…
Good Mario clone for 8Bit Atari Computers.
There are 39 games coming to the Nintendo Switch eShop this week. One of them is called Color Dots Connect. Another…
Anyone fancy a tussle with Apex Rathalos, maybe kill it, strip it like a stolen car, and wear its skin like a…
At first glance, Outriders might look like a game you’ve played one thousand times: a sci-fi third-person shooter in…
The first major patch for Outriders will be available next week, developer People Can Fly revealed in a blog post…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: “A single Dorito would kill a pilgrim instantly.” In a similar vein, if you…
There are a lot of Sonic games. There aren’t too many Sonic games because one can never get enough of the blue…
Ahh! My first “Top 10 Games” post for Kotaku, so exciting! Arriving here has fundamentally changed my relationship…
It’s time for a new World of Warcraft expansion. Call your old WoW buddies, buy some sodas and get ready to grind, Sh…
Follow the trail of glowing green vapors, kill the monster at the end, and collect some new loot—that’s the basic…