I don’t think you’re supposed to perform your own spinal surgery, right?
You're Nelson, Perhaps waking up in the middle of the night is common, but not for Nelson. He's hungry and wants to eat something, but when he checks the kitchen, he can't find anything. He decides to buy some chips in the supermarket and head back home.
I don’t think you’re supposed to perform your own spinal surgery, right?
We've all waited a long time for a new BioShock, an even longer time for one overseen by Ken Levine, whose…
Nintendo's next console, the Wii U, will run into the same problem its predecessors did. Namely, it will be unable…
If I were to punch you in the stomach and you could punch me back, we'd call that a fair fight. (No offense, but…
It was the hot, sticky summer of 1990. Japan's bubble economy, the period of rapid growth during the 1980s, would…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
Bob Dylan once told a journalist that the first time he heard a recording of Elvis Presley singing "That's All…
U.S. Army Testing Out Recruitment "Arcades"
Comment by: Soldier_CLE
Nominated by: Witzbold
Atlus has been one busy little company this year, haven't they? It almost seems like there's a new game…