The PS1-era JRPG has remained a classic for a number of reasons, but chief among them was the beautiful score by…
This game is the fruit of a lifetime’s worth of learning, though the author emphasises that erudition is ultimately pointless, so perhaps it is better to remain ignorant.
The PS1-era JRPG has remained a classic for a number of reasons, but chief among them was the beautiful score by…
One of the first things you see in Lost Sphear, a new role-playing game from the aptly named Tokyo RPG Factory, is…
The end of the world is here, and I never thought it’d sound so beautiful.
In Final Fantasy VI, the villains triumph. It’s one of the most shocking moments in gaming. As devastating at the…
The video games of 2017 were’t just fun to play; they were fun to listen to.
It’s been six years since everybody cried playing To The Moon, an indie narrative game about venturing into a dying…
Playing Doki Doki Literature Club is like realizing you have a fever: For a while you deny the creeping feeling that…
There have been many Assassin’s Creed games since it was first released, but never forget: Black Flag is a very good…
In the latest installment of the toco toco TV, the beautiful and melancholy documentary series about Japanese game…
Child of Light is a beautiful game and a mesmerizing experience that crafts a perfect fusion between RPGs and…