Comic-Con 2010 has come and gone. Our coverage will continue throughout the week, but if you missed any of this…
Mega Zombie is a free-to-play third-person shooter game. You do not only fight the enemy players. There are terrifying zombies. The zombies will attack the players regardless of enemy and allies. You have to fight zombies and enemies.
Comic-Con 2010 has come and gone. Our coverage will continue throughout the week, but if you missed any of this…
Zombies invade a fictional Las Vegas dubbed Fortune City in Dead Rising 2, but the original location was something…
Google's playable Pac-Man anniversary logo provided the grist for last week's 'Shop Contest, which returned a…
Earlier this month we flew ourselves out to Hawaii to soak in half a week's worth of news, hands-on time with games…
A raft of news floating back from Capcom's event in the 50th State dominated the week, but don't forget StarCraft II,…
We've got a bit of a traffic jam on our hands in this week's North American PlayStation Store update, with almost…
This week, on the North American PlayStation Store: Mega Man 10, some new duds for MAG players and a big bundle of…
What freaks out an old-school gamer more, a Sonic kart-racer or a Mega Man with an easy mode? We have reviews of…
We've come full circle. Capcom's zombie horror series Dead Rising is based on George Romero's zombie films. Now,…
Dead Rising's Frank West can beat down opponents with golf clubs and baseball bats in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, but…