Last week we restarted our weekly Nintendo Download feature, highlighting 31 games released for the Switch over the…
Last week we restarted our weekly Nintendo Download feature, highlighting 31 games released for the Switch over the…
How do you evolve a franchise with an almost-static main character? You look to his antagonist: Bowser, King of the…
Considered part of the Quintet Creation Trilogy, Terranigma was the culminating tour de force from the Japanese…
What’s the saying? “With great horsepower comes great framerates?” The next generation of gaming sure promises some…
Art of Rally is what happens when you take driving—usually depicted in video games as a very loud and busy thing—and…
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s new, daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they…
The initial technological threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is Metal Gear RAY. It is an “anti-Metal…
So, you’re practicing social distancing. Great! It’s one of the best ways of slowing the spread of covid-19. The…
In video games, I have watched the world end countless times. I have also seen what comes after.
In many video games, the body of your avatar does not change with time or experience. In Dragon Age: Inquisition or T…