Google has a proud tradition of modifying their logo image to commemorate special occasions, but for the 30th…
Unity video game from SmallGreenHill for PC, iOS and Mac.
Google has a proud tradition of modifying their logo image to commemorate special occasions, but for the 30th…
Speaking to MTV about his upcoming film Splice, director Vincenzo Natali expressed his desire to create a video…
My current least favorite part of the modern video game is when it tells me to stop having fun for a few minutes so…
Slim, sexy and packed with a library of games, the iPad is shaping up to be a powerful contender in the eyes and for…
Muffins are the unsung hero of the games industry. They are the glue that binds publishers, PR, and the media…
It's a pretty slim week on the PAL PlayStation Store, but then, looking at the stuff Europeans and Aussies are…
In Europe, Namco Bandai has trademarked something called "Pac-Man: Battle Royale," which sounds less like a reboot…
Prepare for very nice graphics. And prepare to die.
Square Enix's iPhone endeavors expand today with the release of Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm on the iTunes App…
The Tokyo Game Show expo is in full swing. And while we may only have one day left of event, we've got DAYS of…