Lazy Raise the Earth is an upcoming PC tactics game by Jesse Burnett featuring lo-fi visuals and magic spells. An…
2018 has been a blur for me. It may just be that I’m in the last year of my twenties, or it could be that extreme…
You can do a lot of things with city builder games. You can replicate real cities, or you can simulate massive…
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
Movie tie-ins are a gamble that usually ends with a lackluster game. For every Spider-Man 2, there’s a dozen games…
Last week, after a temporary hiccup thanks to a power supply that was dead out of the box, I finished building my…
Toy Fair isn’t just a place to discover new playthings and see what’s hitting toy store shelves over the coming…
Whether you want a 2DS or 3DS XL, today is a good day to get one. The highlight here is the 2DS bundled with Pokemon…