![Your Fall 2016 Anime Guide [Update]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/cu62pixcjhrxeiwqhkcl.jpg)
The leaves are changing colors and the weather is cooling down. You can smell it in the air. It’s fall. And you know…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Magic Boy
Join Magic Boy as he attempts to become a master wizard, and he does this by shooting enemies, putting them in a bag, and throwing them away. He also must get through four areas: Sand Land, Wet World, Plastic Place, and Future Zone. There are also several power-ups that help him on his quest.
The leaves are changing colors and the weather is cooling down. You can smell it in the air. It’s fall. And you know…
This summer’s breakout anime was, undeniably, Mob Psycho 100. From the creator of 2015’s viral anime One-Punch Man, M…
Slain: Back from Hell is a side scrolling hack and slash title out now for the Playstation 4 and PC. It looks and…
Sick of Disney? Anime movies can provide a great alternative for young viewers, opening up new cultures and ideas.…
Ducktales Remastered, Hexic 2, Magic 2012, Domino Master, and Unbound Saga are now backwards compatible on Xbox One. Two other backwards compatible games, XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Super Meat Boy, are part of next month’s Games With Gold.
Many Japanese think English is a difficult language. So why not make that linguistic grind enjoyable? That’s exactly…
You can feel it. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and spring is in the air. Oh, and there’s a new season of…
My favorite thing about Hyper Light Drifter is all the new swear words I invented while playing it.
A couple of weeks ago, while buying Final Fantasy IX and Breath of Fire III, I had the dreary thought that I’ve…
It’s taken over three years, but Persona 3's excellent big screen adaptation has finally reached its end.