Gus Johnson, who debuted as the play-by-play announcer on the Madden NFL series last year, is out as an NFL…
Long before EA's reign on the football circuit, CBS was working on a multiplatform title with John Madden.
Gus Johnson, who debuted as the play-by-play announcer on the Madden NFL series last year, is out as an NFL…
Ready for His Close-Up | Cleveland Browns running back Peyton Hillis, selected after a five-week fan-voted playoff,…
Madden executive producer Phil Frazier has confirmed, via Twitter, that Madden NFL 12 on the Wii will support the…
A newly released roster editor for All-Pro Football 2K8 refreshes that pro football alternative for the NFL 2K5…
In 2009, EA Sports produced the single greatest soccer game - and maybe greatest sports game of all time - in FIFA 10…
He's the first Madden cover star from a losing team. The first with no Pro Bowl appearances at the time of his…
Two videos give the first look at Madden NFL 12's gameplay, calling attention to gameplay (above) and presentation…
Fans selected Peyton Hillis, the Cleveland Browns running back, to grace the cover of Madden NFL 12. Hillis…
A teaser trailer for EA Sports' Madden 12 shows off the game's unparalleled eye for detail, right down to the new…
You may think phone service stinks since deregulation, but don't mess with us, because we're all you've got. In…