For Microsoft, the E3 2011 recipe read much like E3 2010's—Kinect, and lots of it. The head of Microsoft's Game…
Long before EA's reign on the football circuit, CBS was working on a multiplatform title with John Madden.
For Microsoft, the E3 2011 recipe read much like E3 2010's—Kinect, and lots of it. The head of Microsoft's Game…
Without fail, every time I bring up this job and its subject, usually with folks outside the business, the topical…
Beat on a quarterback for 45 minutes of an NFL game and you'll see a different guy in the fourth quarter. Some start…
Because of the assurance—death, taxes and Madden—that they come out every year, sports video games aren't typically…
About this time last year, at E3, I was chewing the fat with a 2K Sports representative about NBA 2K11 which already…
There may not be any optimal time to tell gamers about all the microtransactions and DLC for which they can expect…
May 21st, 2011, it's gonna feel pretty fucking real to you too. Anybody not wearing 2 million sunblock is gonna have…
When Madden NFL 11 released last year with a virtually unchanged Franchise mode, Josh Looman expected to hear about…
As an avuncular living-room presence for three generations, it's easy to forget John Madden was the head coach of…
Madden NFL 12 will present concussions realistically - as realistically as removing a player from the game,…