Early in Kingdom Hearts III, series primary protagonist Sora returns to his spaceship with his Duck Dad Donald and…
Last Half of Darkness II is an point and click horror adventure game. It's the direct sequel to Last Half of Darkness, starting off at the point where the first game ended.
Early in Kingdom Hearts III, series primary protagonist Sora returns to his spaceship with his Duck Dad Donald and…
Dragon Quest XI is the best game in the 32-year-old series.
Zombies have been integral to horror games for decades now. Whether we’re doing a solo crawls through a haunted…
Last week was a whirlwind of newly-announced titles and fresh looks at games we already knew about. Now comes the…
After our readers so enthusiastically took to the idea of listing the best classic PC games of all time, I wanted to…
Dark Souls II's three expansions are a wonderful culmination of everything From Software has learned about making S…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
Trapped in a vegetative state for 14 years, Wolfenstein hero B.J. Blazkowicz awakens to a 1960 dominated by Nazis…
Newegg is running an across the board video game sale, covering everything from The Last of Us to next-gen titles…