First Final Fantasy XV arrived and now The Last Guardian. Within the span of just one week, two games that spent…
Taking place in the year 2012 of an alternate galaxy, Last Duel involves the struggle between two planets Mu and Bacula. On planet Bacula, a strong warrior tribe known as the Galden rose to immense military power and literally conquered all of the societies on the planet. Unsatisfied with conquering just one planet, the Galden decided to conquer a neighboring terrestrial planet, Mu. Using advanced bioships, star fighters and motor vehicles, the Galden invaded Mu, destroying many of its cities and taking the planet's ruler Queen Sheeta hostage. The remaining royal guards of Mu are deployed in space fighters that can transform into cars to rescue the queen and crush the Galden forces.
First Final Fantasy XV arrived and now The Last Guardian. Within the span of just one week, two games that spent…
Time to hit the open road with ya’boys, fight some monsters, cry some tears, and maybe in the process find out a…
DC Super Hero Girls versus Pokémon. Funko Pop! vinyls versus Lego Disney minifigures. Fossil Hunter Lottie versus…
Overwatch’s new “Arcade” mode wants to make you a better team player. Announced at BlizzCon last week, the mode…
Launching with the Legion expansion pre-update later this month, World of Warcraft’s new silence penalty is designed…
Squirreled away in a secret room within Monstro Town, a cliffside hamlet in Super Mario RPG, there’s a…
It’s Friday, which is still Kotaku JRPG Day in my heart. So here’s an interesting thought on what made old Final…
Yugi and his friends’ story may have ended a decade ago, but there is still one last chapter to be told in the new…
Good morning, everyone! Welcome to Kotaku’s review of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Since the two of us—Jason and…