A first-person magic dueling game. A third-person, Altered Beast-style brawler. An Antarctic horror adventure. The…
Taking place in the year 2012 of an alternate galaxy, Last Duel involves the struggle between two planets Mu and Bacula. On planet Bacula, a strong warrior tribe known as the Galden rose to immense military power and literally conquered all of the societies on the planet. Unsatisfied with conquering just one planet, the Galden decided to conquer a neighboring terrestrial planet, Mu. Using advanced bioships, star fighters and motor vehicles, the Galden invaded Mu, destroying many of its cities and taking the planet's ruler Queen Sheeta hostage. The remaining royal guards of Mu are deployed in space fighters that can transform into cars to rescue the queen and crush the Galden forces.
A first-person magic dueling game. A third-person, Altered Beast-style brawler. An Antarctic horror adventure. The…
You can feel it. Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, and spring is in the air. Oh, and there’s a new season of…
WWE tag team champion Xavier Woods does not fit people’s stereotypical preconceptions of what a professional…
Today’s Counter-Strike duel at at the IEM Katowice tournament established itself as one of the best rounds of CS:GO o…
What started out as an underwhelming tournament for North American Counter-Strike ended on a more hopeful note as…
In a League of Legends match full of moments that were both ridiculous and amazing, Cloud9's Hai and Team SoloMid’s…
Demetrious “Mighty Mouse” Johnson is the UFC’s flyweight champion and arguably one of the greatest fighters on…
I am pleased to report that in Dying Light: The Following, you can still dropkick a zombie off a cliff and into the…
Star Wars canon has changed, and some of that has happened in a new wave of Marvel Comics series. Months ago, we saw…