In 2015, you liked reading about Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. You liked lists of top games. You mourned the passing…
Kingdom Online is in the Knight Online series.
In 2015, you liked reading about Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. You liked lists of top games. You mourned the passing…
You might suspect that The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is skippable, an inessential spinoff that is more…
Mario Maker feels like a game that should not exist.
Not married to an alpaca, but married with one. Like, you can have the animal show up at your wedding. In a bow-tie.
A crippling disease has made the body of Grace’s wife a prison for her erratic, reclusive brain. The only hope for…
Did you enjoy Alien Hominid? Thank Adobe Flash. The Binding of Isaac? The original version ran like crap, but that…
The next Zelda game isn’t quite what people expected. Announced last week during Nintendo’s E3 presentation, Zelda:…
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is the newest game based on the hit anime/novel series Sword Art Online. And while it…
Because while war never changes, the platform and user interface has a tendency to.
You wanted surprises from Nintendo at E3. Here’s one: The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes, announced by Nintendo…