Citing customer concerns over "the game's depictions of violence against women", Target stores in Australia are no…
Citing customer concerns over "the game's depictions of violence against women", Target stores in Australia are no…
For the first four and a half hours of the new God of War, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the game was made by…
Ubisoft promised a big patch for Assassin's Creed III and it looks like they're delivering. The game's huge…
Back at E3 I was dismayed to learn that, thanks to prudes overseas, Borderlands 2's darkly humorous death animations…
Sports video games must license everything. League symbols, player likenesses, individual events, even certain…
When I saw Saints Row: The Third earlier this year, developer Volition showcased a spectacular bank heist from the…
Upcoming shooter Bulletstorm, which is revelling in its violent trimmings, has had to face a reckoning of sorts in…
In today's installment of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Dracosummoner explores the controversial role of sex and…
Actor and comedian Rob Corddry teaches us how to rebuild our brotherhood on a new viral website for Assassin's…
It is the season for battling in the Supreme Court about whether it should be a crime to sell very violent video…