One. Five. Two. Four. Six. That is not a string of numbers that need to be deciphered in a puzzle in a Professor…
One. Five. Two. Four. Six. That is not a string of numbers that need to be deciphered in a puzzle in a Professor…
Growing up sucks. Jungle gyms are replaced by cubicles and healthy almonds replace gobs of Gushers. Or something…
The only people who ever lose a console war are people who make games. The people who actually play games usually…
At this point, there may be no hands-off preview I'm less willing to trust than an Assassin's Creed demo. Last year, …
It feels as though Nintendo's 3DS handheld game system has "arrived." Over the last few months, the library of 3DS…
With the console and PC release of Aliens: Colonial Marines right around the corner, Fox Digital Entertainment…
There were a lot of one-hit wonders in the 1980s, but David Crane isn't one of them. The Activision programmer was…
No matter how many times I ask the fine people at Harmonix to put Carly Rae Jepsen's masterpiece "Call Me Maybe"…
It's an incredibly short week for the Nintendo Download, but that just makes Circle Entertainment's follow-up to the…
Boy, upcoming PS3 game Tokyo Jungle looks like a riot. And this commercial is a riot, too.