Fight Night Round 4 brings boxing back to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with the promise from EA Sports of more…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from I Am Zombie
This is an RPG game where you will follow our protagonist to fight and save lives!
Fight Night Round 4 brings boxing back to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with the promise from EA Sports of more…
Velvet Assassin is a stealth action game that's loosely based on the real-life World War II Allied secret agent,…
Half the appeal of the Onechanbara hack-‘n'-slash games on PS2 was the price. With that gone, all you've got is the…
Valve's Randy Lundeen updates the official Left 4 Dead blog with an inside look at the zombie shooters lighting…
To: Fahey From: Bashcraft RE: Happy Stan Bush Monday Fahey! How are you? I, I am fine. Yesterday we ate delicious…
Looks like nearly every shovelware PC title for Q4 drops on Tuesday. Sorry to paint with broad strokes but that is a…
The big news this week: Rock Band 2's dates slipped out, Rockstar finally goes ahead and tells us GTA IV is coming…
Resident Evil 5. An eagerly awaited game awash in a sea of racial controversy that seems silly when every morning…
After announcing that they're bringing the bikini-clad, cowboy hat-wearing, zombie shooting Onechanbara to North…
I'd be quite interested to see the process involved with choosing what games become Xbox Live Arcade Xbox…