The value of social capital, to put it simplistically, lies in the collective. You've probably heard it before:…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from I Am Zombie
This is an RPG game where you will follow our protagonist to fight and save lives!
The value of social capital, to put it simplistically, lies in the collective. You've probably heard it before:…
Now that my wallet has finally recovered from Comic-Con 2009, it's time to venture forth once more into the land of…
Last Friday, I heard that Activision and Terminal Reality would be making a first-person shooter out of the Walking Dead
There are many ways to celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Some people…
This year, the big center piece at Capcom Summer Jam was a giant booth dedicated to Resident Evil 6 with a demo…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
For this week's Burning Questions, Jason and Kirk return from E3 to talk about their impressions of Nintendo's next…
I can summarize my experience designing user interfaces like this: if you were to place a refrigerator and a toilet…
The action-packed brand of high-stakes robbery delivered by Overkill Software's Payday: The Heist might just be…