The first chapter of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is broken into five parts, parts that tour through reinventions of…
Heroes Strike - Modern Moba & Battle Royale. WolfFun. Moba tower destroy, Battle Royale, Team deathmatch and many game modes. - Battle Royale Action.
The first chapter of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is broken into five parts, parts that tour through reinventions of…
This week's PlayStation Store update for North America may make you reconsider that PlayStation Plus subscription.…
You'll fight the North Koreans in the parking lot of the Home Depot-like Lumber Liquidators store. You'll protect…
It was time for spring cleaning in my household, so I am getting rid of these games.
Bombarded by cosmic rays in space, Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm were transformed into…
The most common email response I received to my previous column ("Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore") was a perplexed…
I ended my tour of PAX East 2010 with two games vying for the title of Stephen's Favorite New Game At The Show. This…
This week's North American PlayStation Store update features the highest concentration of Lady Gaga to date, thanks…
I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…
Well, fun was never a given in a game made by Suda 51 anyway.