Back in November, 1,049 Japanese people were asked by survey company goo Ranking to choose which animated or Tokusat…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Half-Cat
Muni’s life is hard. She spends her days at a boring job, and at night returns to her unloved husband. Everything changes when Tayou appears in her life. Muni has to turn her life upside down and get to know herself from the most unexpected sides.
Back in November, 1,049 Japanese people were asked by survey company goo Ranking to choose which animated or Tokusat…
PC modders have really begun to dig into Far Cry 3. The mind reels at the possibilities.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf is currently one of the most popular 3DS games in Japan. It hit the shelves on November…
Jason: Hey, Kirk. So you're playing Persona 4 Golden, and I'm playing Persona 4 Golden, and we both have lots of…
These might be the most important words in comics: "Hey, have you read that?" The medium's lifeblood has always…
Have you ever played a video game that you had trouble describing as either "good" or "bad"? Have you ever played…
There are Snacktaku reviews that come into being as a result of months of research, vetting out of potential…
Sojo Studios' Facebook game WeTopia has generated more than $500,000 for children's charities since its launch in…
Cartoon mice and sci-fi shooters, vicious zombies and half-Native American assassins. There are a ton of…
As we move toward the end of the year, it can mean only one thing: it's time for a new game with everyone's favorite…