Earlier this week, we looked at the five anime you should be watching this season. But what about all the other…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Half-Cat
Muni’s life is hard. She spends her days at a boring job, and at night returns to her unloved husband. Everything changes when Tayou appears in her life. Muni has to turn her life upside down and get to know herself from the most unexpected sides.
Earlier this week, we looked at the five anime you should be watching this season. But what about all the other…
When I picked up Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus: The Girls' Proof for my Vita, I was filled with existential dread.
Helvetica. Arial. Comic Sans (LOL!). These are some of the most famous fonts you can find online and in print. Let's…
Ever since the first game, Mass Effect has always been about shaping the story the way the player wants it. Through…
Poor Luigi, always in Mario's shadow. Even when Luigi set off on his own ghost-wrangling adventure in Luigi's…
Ever try to drink out of a fire hose? Me neither, but I'd imagine that it might feel a little bit like trying to…
The first thing that ever puzzled me about the man I used to know as SuperDaE was that he didn't sound Australian.
Much to the surprise of pretty much no one, Crysis 3 turned out to be quite the looker. But that's just what Crysis…
The Monster Hunter series wasn't always the "monster" (heh heh) hit it is currently. Originally released for the…
If you own a PC, you should probably get this.